Thursday, July 27, 2006

Talking points lead to Stupid ?

While watching some of the spinmeisters on FOX and hearing similar complaints from some of the "conservative" talk-show radio listeners that call into C-Span going on and on with the talking points memo they received. Apperently directing them to drive the conversation on Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and not a valid political organization in Lebannon, I came up with this:

Stupid questions Americans shouldn't ask about Hezbollah:

Q) Why does Hezbollah fly/have their own flag?

There are hundreds more stupid questions Americans will ask that I'm sure I'll have to address but for now I'll start with this one.

A) Why do the 50 US states each have their own flag?

Saturday, July 01, 2006

America's Superman

This morning I was watching Superman on HBO2. It got me to thinkin.

You know how philosophical I can get.

Conservatives are all up in arms because Superman Returns doesn't mention fighting for the American way.

There are some who are saying Hollywood intentionally made this decision because they wanted Superman to be an "international" hero. Well I say phoooey!!! You capitalists are soooo shallow!

I belive there are intellects in Hollywood. They made this decision because they were hoping someone would see the symbolism.

"We were always hesitant to include the term 'American way' because the meaning of that today is somewhat uncertain," Ohio native Dougherty explains...

I find it ironic that at a time when prominent conservative spinsters have decided to wage a war with the "liberal" news media; the great American hero they are whining about, this great American hero that fights for Truth, Justice, and the American way... is a reporter, Clark Kent, at a newspaper, The Daily Planet. Smitten by an investagative reporter, Lois Lane, at the newspaper.

See you unhappy never-satisfied whiners. It is the American news media that is the most American thing about the United States. Freedom of the press so far has been the only gaurantee to truth the American people have had for years. I find great satisfaction in knowing there is a partner in this democracy that cannot be sworn, threatened, or bribed into secrecy at any time.

The great American hero fighting for truth, justice, and the American way is the American news media.

Great move Hollywood!!


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