Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Right to SPY!!! Think you're safe?

For days now it has been slowly leaking out that the Bush administration and it's Pentagon are deciding for us if we have a right to privacy, right to assemble, right to protest.
They are deciding for us if we are guilty by association.

The Bush administration would try to convince us that the recent release of Pentagon documents showing that they were investigating US citizens involved in anti-war protests and the current so-called "leak" to the New York Times that Bush authorized the NSA to spy on US citizens are independent coincidences.

Though the administration will defend both of these policies and the need for the "Patriot Act" as essentail to the war on terrorism.

Either the incidents are related or they are not.

Is anybody other than myself wondering what do anti-war protesters and meetings of church groups have to do with terrorism?

Are you aware that this current NSA report is not the first NSA report on problems concerning the Bush admininstrations spy policy? NSA alerted Bush to risks of cyber-spying. The President was warned several times about questionable aspects of his spy policy and it's possible intrusion on the rights of Americans.

There are those that continue to defend Bush's insatiable appetite for power. They will see nothing wrong with anything he does to American citizens as long as their names are not on one of the spy lists.

Well I will give him no such PASS! If you love your President so much and believe in his legacy it is time for you to admit to yourself that he has a problem. He's an addict that has not fully recovered and someone needs to initiate an intervention.

For the rest of you even though they are trying to distract us like they are doing such a great job for America. Our infrastructure is deteriorating. Don't forget the victoms of the last several hurricanes who are still displaced, homeless, or living in shelters, who's cities and towns are still without electricity, clean drinking water and/or public education systems.

Oh America!