Thursday, September 08, 2005

Speak Out!

So far I have been mute on the subject of hurricane Katrina.

I have been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed that this affected several hundred miles of the US Gulf coast.

Shocked at the images of starving dehydrated refugee's in AMERICA!?
I have to suggest a song by Trick Daddy... America.

Finally I am extremely disappointed. Disappointed in the number of mean nasty conservative talk show hosts that continue to spew hatred and intolerance. Exercise no compassion or respect for basic human life and broadcast the same old twisted lies.

After watching Hannity and Combs on Fox tonight, I have to break my silence.

Sean you stupid malicious elitist PIG even the best evacuation plan would have done nothing about the FLOODING!!! NOTHING!!!

You sound ridiculous trying to justify or suggest that the horror humans experienced in the wake of a natural disaster is their fault.

Why are O'Reilly and the Hannity Combs show STILL talking about the looting?
...tapping the Bush spin machine on tha shoulder...

Hey fella's. It's NOT WORKING!!

The American people aren't buying the BS this time.