Sunday, October 31, 2004

Two-Early Voting

Two days until "the people" decide if Bush should get a second term at the helm.

While the pundants are depending on polls to determine the outcome of the election. Those of us watching locally are paying close attention to the early voter turnout which is showing record results in several key states: Arkansas, Colorado ,Florida, North Carolina, Texas, National View

Credit has to be given to the Republican and Democratic efforts to successfully mobilize the people to get out and vote.

A big problem is that the conservatives are using fear and intimidation to affect voter turn out.

I wonder how many of these were registered Republicans? GOP Challenges Voters
GOP accused of using poll challengers to target blacks

In this intentional targeted voter intimidation mailer. Voters are threatened they may face inprisonment if they show up to vote. Bogus NAACP Letter

There has also been some unintended poll taxing and voter intimidation. In Arkansas, voters face the shock and threat of parking tickets while waiting in line to vote.
Early AR Voters Upset About Unfair Parking Tickets

The big question is will the early voter turnout help Bush or Kerry?

Usually during the general election I email and text message my friends and family around the country reminding them to vote.

This year after hearing so much in the media about blogs. I decided to start my own to express my personal and political views.

Have you done anything special this year to try and motivate your friends and family to get out and vote?

Friday, October 29, 2004

Count Down

So I missed my chance to comment on the third Presidential debate.
The results of that debate were no surprise.
Kerry was headed for a clean sweep.

Now we are counting down to November 2, 2004. The country will decide does Bush get another term to complete/continue his current "projects," or do we give him "tha boot" and come in with a new quaterback or pitcher to bring home the win?

As for me, Bush has had enough time to prove that he doesn't have any idea of how to accomplish his goal(defeating terrorism). I agree with the rhetoric on the left that says Bush continues to be in denial about the mistakes made under his administration when it comes to the war in Iraq. And even more so the relationship of the Saddam regime to terrorism. The connection, as heart felt as the right is to wish it into being is not there. The insistence that the relationship exists makes them come off as a bunch of loony war mungers!

One thing we can say for sure that Bush has accomplished during his presidency, is that he (while I admit his "followers" extreme right wingers like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mike Reagan, and so on hype up daily doses of hate talk) has divided America. He has pit us against ourselves.

If re-elected I do not see this changing. I predict the divisiveness will become worse. If we experience another domestic terrorist attack we will unite when it comes to striking out against the terrorist. However, we will continue to be at odds with each other over conservative vs. liberal approach to terrorism. America has a big decision to make. Are we going to continue on the path of pre-emption? Or do we work harder towards compromise and form strong world wide allegiances?

The only solution to unite us will be if John Kerry wins.

What do you think?
Will we unite under a new President?
Will Bush finally find language and policy to demonstrate that he is a uniter?

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Round Two

Tonight was the second debate between Bush and Kerry


Both these veterans came out with some powerful lines!

From... Bushes "It's just not credible, you can't believe it", in response to details of Kerry's domestic plan. Kerry's Plan
or my favorite...

"I know how these people think..." (hum, these people?)

To... Kerry's "They don't have a plan" to Bushes criticisms of the "Kerry" plan(s).

and my favorite,

"More of the same" Kerry's response to the Bush Plan.

(what really are the details of the Bush plan, does anybody really know? Is it really more of the same?)

So let's get down to the issues.

The site has been getting pushed by the media as the site to confirm the factuality of the statements of the candidates.

This site, though it has been around since 1994 Fact Check History, grabbed national attention when bolstered by Dick Cheney during the veeps(vice presidential debates).

Where Bush looses me is wanting to persuade the people that we should judge Kerry by his Senate record over the last 20 years but not judge him for his record as President over the last 4 years.

Would someone tell this "dude" that Kerry as a Senator was elected to serve the state and interest of the state of Massachusettes. It is the citizens of that state to whom he owes an explanation of his record over the last 20 yrs. I mean come on, credible? Now the Republicans are anti state?

It is the President who is elected to serve all the people, not a Senator. I would certainly hope that my US Senators (Texas), the great Patriots that they are, are great statesmen FIRST!!