Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Where has it gone?

It's been 26 days since my last post.
Christmas has come and gone and we are running head first into a new year.

This week many of us will reflect on our distant and not so distant past.
We will make promises to our selves of self improvement, financial success, healthy living, and ahh yes, for the singles promises to avoid painful relationships with inconsiderate self absorbed lovers. We'll promise ourselves that we will not call them again, we will promise ourselves that we are not going to answer their calls, we will promise ourselves to say down with love! While others will seek their soulmate.

Auld Lang Syne

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind;
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
And days of old lang syne.
For old lang syne, my dear,
For old lang syne,
We'll take a cup of kindness yet,
For old lang syne.

I find it hard to forget old friends or lovers.
What would you erase from 2004? Relationship? Mistake? Tragedy?

It is easy for me to forgive people for their violations against me.
What kindness will you distribute in 2005?

I'm making a promise to myself to complete at least one of the books I'm writing.
What promise have you made yourself for 2005?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Christmas Pep Talk

Thanksgiving was great!

I actually had a few close friends stop by Thanksgiving day, Friday, and Saturday.

Went to the club Saturday night and kicked it with my college roommate and her sister.
We had a great time actually met somebody from a small town in Arkansas. Come to think of it I have met several people from Arkansas since I've been in the Dallas area.

***singing*** Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in the old mans hat.

That lonely old man. Growing up as kids we used to think we would never get old.
And who could have ever told us that we could be lonely and YOUNG!

So I'm sitting here with the tune of The Emotions, "What do the lonely do at Christmas?" ringing in my head. Boy that is a hell of a question. Isn't it?

I should be an expert at the answer to this question. I have spent more Christmas' alone than I care to count. And unlike the cheesy movies we see on television. I am yet to feel all warm and mushy by the friends and family that stop by to share their Christmas joy.

Oh, there will be fulfilling moments. But when everyone leaves, or when you go home and there is nobody there to hold you. Nobody there to give gentle kisses. Nobody telling you how much they love you. Christmas can be another dreaded lonely night!

And I like lots of single adults will sit back and reflect on the day and wonder where is my Christmas miracle?

They say that this time of the year people are most depressed.

Well I say fooey on them! This year lets all of us, married or single make a pact that we will not sit around the house alone or go home from holiday parties feeling lonely this year.

I am going to ask something really big of you. If you are single invite over some of your friends or co-workers that will be home alone this Christmas.

If you are married, there has been much talk about the decline of marriage. The increased divorce rates(pgs 7,9+ kinda gets to the nitty gritty). Yet several Americans went to the polls in November and voted to "define" marriage. You have a responsibility! Show the rest of us out here that marriage is worth it. Invite some single people to spend Christmas with you and your spouse or your family. Share your meaning of the holidays . Share how the holidays increase the love and emotion you feel for your spouse. Sicken us with your sneak smooches when you think no one is looking and with overt hugs and kisses. Convince us that togetherness and love in holy matrimony matters.

So let's get started on making this a very merry Christmas for those that will expect it the least!

Get yourself that special gift!
Enjoy your family and friends!
Give Love On Christmas Day!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Life Goes On...thinking about Thanks

I was sitting here horning over my plans for Thanksgiving 2004.

Trying to decide what I am going to cook.

***dressing, greens***

Drifting off into memories of my Thanksgivings back home in North Little Rock, AR.

My mama, my two sisters, and my brother.

Bill Clinton had the grand opening of the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, AR.

During his speech he mentioned things he remembered. He recalled a conversation with one of the moms on his Welfare to Work Program. "I remember the first woman I ever talked to who went from welfare to work. I said, "What's the best thing about it?" She said, "When my boy goes to school and they say, 'What does your mama do for a living,' he can give an answer." Those are the things that make politics real to me, at home and around the world."

My mom was that mother. Miss Joyce is what most people in our housing project called her. Not only did she go to work for us, her kids. She went to work for the rest of the kids in our community. She was over a 4-H chapter in our housing project Eastgate Terrace in North Little Rock, AR. The housing authority provided facilities on site. It was somewhere for the kids to go after school. She worked to organize activities and field trips for the community kids.

***can't decide 'bout tha bird turkey, chicken, hen, duck?***

The other part of the story?

I want to tell you about my mom before.

What was her history?

She was a high school drop out. She was married at the age of 15 and had her first child (that would be me) by the time she was 16 years old.

...My dad hates for us to mention this

(I think he's still in denial...and y'all help me pray for him, he is battling colon cancer)

I admire my mom the most because one day she came to check us out of school early.
....which she NEVER did....

After 15 years of an abusive relationship she had decided enough was enough!

She was brave enough to leave the situation and go at it alone with four kids.

***macorni & cheese, corn on the cob***

My mom got her GED and also took a few courses at a local university and community college.

She didn't pressure us a lot about our schooling.

I was an above average student that often leaned toward excellency (A-B student). I was active in school. You will see my mug on more than a couple pages of my junior and senior class year books. I went off to a top university in my state where I studied Chemical Engineering for a short time.

Took off for several years working as a door to door sales person for one of those traveling sales organizations...(thank you Archie and Wilhemina for developing and inspiring my mental stability, critical thinking, and pure unadulterated skill of survival. May god continue to bless you with abundance!)

I eventually completed my education in Little Rock.

***hot butter rolls, sweet potato pie, pound cake***

This year I am most thankful for my mom. Who will still say to me, "Now Shar, if you need anything, you know you can come to your mama. Right?"

I Love You Miss Joyce!

Over 20 yrs later she still works at UAMS.

***still can't decide 'bout tha bird***

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Four More

Well, I guess we have to brace ourselves for what's ahead. Bush wins the election by 3.5 mil, 51% of the popular vote.

I have talked to so many people that were so disappointed by the outcome of this election. But the majority has spoken and they agree with the Bush doctrine. Not only did Bush win the presidency but the Republicans also maintained their majority in the House and the Senate.

In my state of Texas they defeated all but 1 Democrat running for re-election to the House.

Now the big buzz or question is what did the Bush victory mean? ....Thinking here about the first episode of the Matrix when Neo did not make the "first" jump.

The conservatives side is going on and on about how this means that Americans support the presidents "moral" values. Moral values? The moral values of a white house that is lead by two drunks and a "coke" head? A conservative party who's leadership has families that are loaded with homosexuality, infidelity, and more drunks and druggies.

The only thing we can say for sure about their moral values is that they are homophobes and liberal haters.

I just wanna say for the record I'm sick and tired of hearing from the so-called Christian conservatives about the moral aptitude of the Republicans when they prove over and over again that they don't have a moral fiber in their being.

I'm tired of having my belief in God called into question because I don't think we should make laws or amend the constitution to promote prejudice and hatred of any type.

There are more and more invasions to consumer privacy. We can't be sure if these invasions are related to the Patriot Act. But for sure believe this, if you drive an American built vehicle for example, your every move may be recorded. Under the Bush Administration the NTSB has requested that all American made cars have black boxes.

You would think that with their lagging sales the American auto makers would fight doing anything that would make consumers hesitant about purchasing their products.

As much as I promote buying American, this move is going to make me rethink my next vehicle purchase.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Two-Early Voting

Two days until "the people" decide if Bush should get a second term at the helm.

While the pundants are depending on polls to determine the outcome of the election. Those of us watching locally are paying close attention to the early voter turnout which is showing record results in several key states: Arkansas, Colorado ,Florida, North Carolina, Texas, National View

Credit has to be given to the Republican and Democratic efforts to successfully mobilize the people to get out and vote.

A big problem is that the conservatives are using fear and intimidation to affect voter turn out.

I wonder how many of these were registered Republicans? GOP Challenges Voters
GOP accused of using poll challengers to target blacks

In this intentional targeted voter intimidation mailer. Voters are threatened they may face inprisonment if they show up to vote. Bogus NAACP Letter

There has also been some unintended poll taxing and voter intimidation. In Arkansas, voters face the shock and threat of parking tickets while waiting in line to vote.
Early AR Voters Upset About Unfair Parking Tickets

The big question is will the early voter turnout help Bush or Kerry?

Usually during the general election I email and text message my friends and family around the country reminding them to vote.

This year after hearing so much in the media about blogs. I decided to start my own to express my personal and political views.

Have you done anything special this year to try and motivate your friends and family to get out and vote?

Friday, October 29, 2004

Count Down

So I missed my chance to comment on the third Presidential debate.
The results of that debate were no surprise.
Kerry was headed for a clean sweep.

Now we are counting down to November 2, 2004. The country will decide does Bush get another term to complete/continue his current "projects," or do we give him "tha boot" and come in with a new quaterback or pitcher to bring home the win?

As for me, Bush has had enough time to prove that he doesn't have any idea of how to accomplish his goal(defeating terrorism). I agree with the rhetoric on the left that says Bush continues to be in denial about the mistakes made under his administration when it comes to the war in Iraq. And even more so the relationship of the Saddam regime to terrorism. The connection, as heart felt as the right is to wish it into being is not there. The insistence that the relationship exists makes them come off as a bunch of loony war mungers!

One thing we can say for sure that Bush has accomplished during his presidency, is that he (while I admit his "followers" extreme right wingers like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mike Reagan, and so on hype up daily doses of hate talk) has divided America. He has pit us against ourselves.

If re-elected I do not see this changing. I predict the divisiveness will become worse. If we experience another domestic terrorist attack we will unite when it comes to striking out against the terrorist. However, we will continue to be at odds with each other over conservative vs. liberal approach to terrorism. America has a big decision to make. Are we going to continue on the path of pre-emption? Or do we work harder towards compromise and form strong world wide allegiances?

The only solution to unite us will be if John Kerry wins.

What do you think?
Will we unite under a new President?
Will Bush finally find language and policy to demonstrate that he is a uniter?

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Round Two

Tonight was the second debate between Bush and Kerry


Both these veterans came out with some powerful lines!

From... Bushes "It's just not credible, you can't believe it", in response to details of Kerry's domestic plan. Kerry's Plan
or my favorite...

"I know how these people think..." (hum, these people?)

To... Kerry's "They don't have a plan" to Bushes criticisms of the "Kerry" plan(s).

and my favorite,

"More of the same" Kerry's response to the Bush Plan.

(what really are the details of the Bush plan, does anybody really know? Is it really more of the same?)

So let's get down to the issues.

The site www.factcheck.org has been getting pushed by the media as the site to confirm the factuality of the statements of the candidates.

This site, though it has been around since 1994 Fact Check History, grabbed national attention when bolstered by Dick Cheney during the veeps(vice presidential debates).

Where Bush looses me is wanting to persuade the people that we should judge Kerry by his Senate record over the last 20 years but not judge him for his record as President over the last 4 years.

Would someone tell this "dude" that Kerry as a Senator was elected to serve the state and interest of the state of Massachusettes. It is the citizens of that state to whom he owes an explanation of his record over the last 20 yrs. I mean come on, credible? Now the Republicans are anti state?

It is the President who is elected to serve all the people, not a Senator. I would certainly hope that my US Senators (Texas), the great Patriots that they are, are great statesmen FIRST!!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

The First Debate

Tonight was the first debate between Bush and Kerry.

The biggest thing that bothers me right now is for months the Bush campaign has taken a line from the Democratic primaries and used it as a slogan for their re-election.

It is amazing the only thing the President of the United States has going for him in this election is the idea that his challenger shifts positions.

Are there really people out there...

Who can say they have not changed their mind on important professional and/or personal matters.

Are there really conservatives out there,

That admire people who will not admit when they are wrong?

That admire someone who will not take responsibility, or make a retraction when they have publicized false and inaccurates as fact?(No I'm not talking about Dan Rather, he's admitted his mistake)

Let me say now, I have never supported the war in Iraq.

I remember vividly discussing this with a conservative "evangelical Christian" co-worker back home in Little Rock, AR back in late 2002 and early 2003 during the arms inspections and debates leading up to the war.

I told her then, (of course she was for the war) and will say it now, "We were gonna go to war with Iraq whether the American people wanted it or not. I do not trust the President."
I shared with her that I was suspicious, (well to put it bluntly "I don't believe that shit") of the intelligence reports that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction".

I don't know why it is so difficult for some people to believe that government agencies under the direction of the President of the United States have and will commit crimes and lie to the people(Watergate).

The war, which we know now, there wasn't a chance in hell there would be a war with Iraq, we actually went to war in(not with) Iraq. I believe the President knew Saddam was not capable of a war against the United States. He thought it was going to be an easy win and that there would not be any opposition to US occupation.

I believe he did not plan and was not prepared for the insurgency. And make no doubt about it, there will be a civil war in Iraq.

Tonights debate did not move me. I was pretty much decided after it was confirmed that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction.

We find out that even scientists that led Iraqs nuclear weapons research program admit that Saddam's program has been disarmed since as early as 1991.


I did not want to be right about the weapons being some made up justification for the war.
The conservatives spin these scientists like Jafar Dhia Jafar as their see, he did too have weapons guy.


Since you're gonna be too much of a wimp to say it, I'll say it for you, Saddam was not a THREAT!!!

Mr. President, would you and your spin masters please stop spinning the subject of the campaign away from your failed domestic policies? The state of economy needs addressing.

Within the last few days several major companies with high paying tech jobs have announced thousands of lay-offs.

Computer Associates-900, Motorola-1000, AT&T-10,000( AT&T Lay-Offs), Nortel-3250, EDS-20,000 (over next 2 yrs EDS Annoucement)

Read 'em and weep!!

Second debate (Veeps) coming up October 5, 2004!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Same Sex Unions

Well I promised to write on this subject and what better time than the present?

Recently there have been stories about a mailer sent out by the Republican Party to Arkansas(my home state).

In this mailer the RNC claims that if conservatives(the target of this mailer was Christian conservatives) don't get out and vote, the Bible will be banned and same sex marriages will be legalized.


I'm ot even going to comment on the madness of believing that the Bible could one day be banned. Though, we have allowed the government to ban books, movies, paintings, and other forms of personal and religious expression and art in the past on the grounds of moral obscenity. Crusaders for these types of bans have been warned too often that eventually their own expression would stand at risk of being banned.

My opinion on same sex unions?

I have found this to be a very controversial subject. Even among my friends that I consider the most open minded, this subject without a doubt turns them into religious right leaning fanatics!

I am for the right of adults in serious relationships having a right to form a legal and binding contract with each other.

I am for this right even for couples of the same sex.

The general basis I find that most of my frieds agree with. That if you are dating someone and you have become serious, but really don't want the ceremony and spiritual binding that is constituted upon your union by the church, you and your significant other should have the right to a civil union. But, if this is about couples of the same sex, I have found that the idea sickens these same friends. Lots of people just feel that homosexual relationships are not right.

I have found however that they can agree to this under a certain set of circumstances...for example.

You have a good paying job with benefits and your sibling/relative or best friend of the same sex does not. You work for a company that recognizes life partners and extends benefits to these partners as well as their dependents.

These same friends see no problem with the same sex union if it is to allow a friend or relative to qualify for benefits.

What do you think?

Are you for or against same sex unions?

Do you feel there should be federal or local laws that prohibit same sex unions?

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Cowboys In Arlington

It's that time.

The time that my friends and family know that I hold dear. National Elections.

This is one of many articles I will post about topics on local and national elections.

I live in Arlington, Texas. One of our big ballot issues this year is the Dallas Cowboys Stadium. For several months the Dallas Cowboys have worked to entice local cities in the d-f dub into a partnership to build a new stadium. (For whatever reason they are ready to get out of Irving)

Talks with the city of Dallas were abruptly halted. Talks with Dallas

It was annouced they were in talks with the City of Arlington.
Talks with Arlington

The county put in their two cents worth: Tarrant County Ups the Ante

The Nay Sayers: What's Bad about Cowboys Stadium?

In just a few weeks they had a deal. Cowboys and Arlington Strike Deal

The people voiced their Opinions: From the People

The details (according to one source): Arlington Stadium Details

My view: I havent' decided if I'm voting for or against the resolution.

My concerns:

What is Irving going to do with a big empty ass stadium?
What will Arlington do with a big empty ass stadium when the Cowboys decide to leave?
What sacrifices did the City of Irving make to keep the Cowboys there for the years?
Irvings Sacrifices
What sacrifices will the City of Arlington have to make to keep the Cowboys?
Arlington's Sacrifices

This will be one of the key ballot issues that is sure to drive voters to the polls this fall...


Sunday, July 18, 2004

School Drug Testing

School Drug Testing

In Bush's Saturday, July 17,2004 radio address, he suggested that schools should be allowed to drug test and proposed funding for this program.
"We know that random drug testing in schools is effective, and it allows us to identify kids who need help. In my most recent budget, I proposed spending an additional $23 million for school drug testing." George W. Bush, WASHINGTON, July 17 /PRNewswire. http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/07-17-2004/0002212115&EDATE=
Are we not more protective of our children’s privacy than this? To allow the very schools that we rant and rave are failing our children, keep tabs on which ones of our children have used drugs or alcohol? And where is this big database of our children’s "youthful indiscretions", going to be kept, and who will have access to this information?
This is the real problem with our children, this is really the reason that our schools are failing. It's not because of what the schools are not doing, it is because of what ALL we are expecting, allowing them to do.
There was a time when certain matters were family matters. When certain things were none of the school's damn business. When we had a since of protecting our fort. Our parents would NEVER have considered allowing the schools, a public bureaucracy, to test us for STD's let along drugs. But, then there was a time, they wouldn't have went for drug screening on their jobs either.
This seems to me that it could lead to future invasions of privacy. We don't know if we will be able to protect these test results from public disclosure. I can see some media organization taking this issue to court and winning. We see what is happening with professional athlete's, how their use of performance enhancers are being publicly disclosed.
I feel we owe it to our kids to talk to them about sex. To talk to them about drugs. To talk to them about their dreams, their goals. And I feel we have even more of a responsibility to protect them from bad public school policies. I do not believe we should entrust to the schools a medical analysis that should be made in the privacy of families along with the counsel of the child’s physician.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Bill's Beatin' Up On Blacks

After several days of deciding what I should post about first in my blog, I have decided to write about a subject that has been nagging at me for months now. Bill O'Reilly's offensive generalizations of the African American community.

He appears to go out of his way to promote negative social stereotypes of African Americans under the pretext that he is trying to help educate African Americans about their "situation". I am just about fed up with it!

The first time I noticed he had a distorted perception of "Black" America was in an interview he had with Tavis Smiley. Tavis Smiley is a writer for the AP, a regular on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, and former host of BET Tonight.

Bill was doing his best to try and coerce Tavis Smiley into admitting that African Americans are failures or lagging behind in our pursuit of the American Dream, because we come from single parent families, mostly headed by females. Tavis did not buy into this and reiterated several times that acheivement is tough for all children that come from single parent families.

His next attempt at pushing his anti-African American agenda was when he had a segment on his show were he wanted to badger a young African American Activist about statements that were made by Bill Cosby at a NAACP gala to celebrate the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education. Cosby expressed his opinion that "poor" African American parents are not taking the reigns when it comes to pushing their children to achieve in school and become successful, productive contributors to American Society.

Of course the statements drew lots of attention. Which was probably Cosby's intention. Though, he may not have intended to draw the attention of extremists with hidden agendas. Cosby made his comments at an NAACP function. Most NAACP functions get very little press. I doubt if there were very many "poor" Black's there. Probably about as many as can afford 500 hundred dollar sneakers, let alone two hundred dollars for hooked on phonics.

Bill also has a problem with most (probably all) hip hop artists. Specifically he has taken it upon his self to personally attack artists like Ludacris, 50 Cent, Nelly, and most recently Jay-Z. As part of his plan to affect their careers he has planned boycotts, and decided to harass BET about some of these artists music videos they play. O'Reilly calling the videos "soft porn".

Here's my message to Bill O'Reilly:

Until I see the African American woman you're married to, the African American orphans you've adopted, or the African American community you work in deligently to try and improve the lives of the residents, I will take your continued assaults on African Americans as just that. You may believe that you are helping, but you are not! Your show airs on a network, despite your denial, that has certain political and social lean. Masked deep within that lean is a cyst that festers with sick separatist ideology that finds justification for it's existence in these types of stories.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Ok so i'm playing around here to see what this picasa/hello thing is all about. Wondering to myself, how do I post video clips? Guess I've got more reading to do.