Friday, January 27, 2006

Something for YOU

I have been really busy the last few months.

I have decided that I am going to take this business thing SERIOUSLY this year.

With that said, you can already tell from my site that I have joined several affiliate programs.

All of these programs are open to the public.

If one of these ads looks interesting to you just click on it.
If you like what they have to say, sign up...I did. - Property Auctions!

Government Auto Auctions and More!

Learn to Speak French!

Unlimited PSP downloads!

Unlimited Game Downloads!

Here are more links to programs that can help you to build your online business.

Wholesaler Catalog...You have to see it to believe it!

Plenty more free e-books lots come with resale rights:

They are giving away 117 Internet Marketing products for F.R.E.E. at:

Affiliate Training from the Guru

Get your own WEBSITE! (most of these are freebies)

Get 3, you heard me 3 fully stocked ready to sell websites FREE!

Affiliate Cash Vault!


Sites to drive Traffic

Monitor Traffic:

Build and maintain your mailing lists:

Get Paid to Surf and drive traffic to your site!!

You know I was not going to write another blog without giving my opinion about the bull that is going on in Washington DC right now.

And no I'm not talking about the Alito nomination.

though I do get personal satisfaction in the idea of a filibuster

I am talking about this coward and fraud that some of you want to call a president.

yeah that was a small "p".

When Clinton was in office, I thought the country was turning over a new leaf when it came to the president. I thought that we were no longer gonna settle for people in positions of authority to be corrupt, inept, incompetent, dishonest and straight up lying to America right to our face.

But I see that was just a bunch of malarky!

Daily Bush or one of his representatives stands right in front of the camera's looks us straight in the eye lies, shifts responsibility, and further demises our culture.

Bush preventing aids and advisor from testifying in "meetings" about Katrina

Bush says no ties to Abernoff but a picture is worth a thousand words.

How many lies...ok I'll be nice questionable responses can you count in the transcript from his press conference 01/26/2006?

By the way did you know Abernoff was on the Bush transition team after he was elected in 2000?

See contrary to what the so-called christian right has been manipulated into believing, the real threat to our children, morality, and our country is not the "liberals" or the terrorists. It is a supposed president and conservative leadership that have no self-respect, no shame, and no consideration for the good christian American values that we are working to instill in our children.

You have let the fox in the hen house. Do you honestly think ALL the chickens will get out alive?

So your payback to the country for a supposed womanizer is electing a drunk and a cocaine addict to the highest public office?

If you are ready to take stand... Sign the petition to IMPEACH Bush.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2006 Here's to PROSPERITY

Shar's Den

As I promised. Here are links to some AWESOME deals to make money in 2006.


Here's to Better LOVE in 2006:


Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

I've got money-saving and money-making NewYear deals coming for you!
Check back soon.