Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Right to SPY!!! Think you're safe?

For days now it has been slowly leaking out that the Bush administration and it's Pentagon are deciding for us if we have a right to privacy, right to assemble, right to protest.
They are deciding for us if we are guilty by association.

The Bush administration would try to convince us that the recent release of Pentagon documents showing that they were investigating US citizens involved in anti-war protests and the current so-called "leak" to the New York Times that Bush authorized the NSA to spy on US citizens are independent coincidences.

Though the administration will defend both of these policies and the need for the "Patriot Act" as essentail to the war on terrorism.

Either the incidents are related or they are not.

Is anybody other than myself wondering what do anti-war protesters and meetings of church groups have to do with terrorism?

Are you aware that this current NSA report is not the first NSA report on problems concerning the Bush admininstrations spy policy? NSA alerted Bush to risks of cyber-spying. The President was warned several times about questionable aspects of his spy policy and it's possible intrusion on the rights of Americans.

There are those that continue to defend Bush's insatiable appetite for power. They will see nothing wrong with anything he does to American citizens as long as their names are not on one of the spy lists.

Well I will give him no such PASS! If you love your President so much and believe in his legacy it is time for you to admit to yourself that he has a problem. He's an addict that has not fully recovered and someone needs to initiate an intervention.

For the rest of you even though they are trying to distract us like they are doing such a great job for America. Our infrastructure is deteriorating. Don't forget the victoms of the last several hurricanes who are still displaced, homeless, or living in shelters, who's cities and towns are still without electricity, clean drinking water and/or public education systems.

Oh America!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Get It

Convincing themselves that maybe this moron really does listen to them, the conservative talking heads are jumping and leaping from their sideline seats with great joy, excitement, and gratification. Bush has finally broke his silence and is fighting back!

He'd have to be listening to them. Who else would be convincing him that he should not apologize to Americans for anything that has happened in his administration that gives the indication of incompetence or dishonesty.

And what is Bush's great statement of defiance? His outright proclamation of innocence?

Critics are trying to rewrite history.

All I can think about is how the Rush's and Mike Gallaghers of the world go on and on about how the opponents of the war and the Bush war policy don't get it.

I beg to differ. I think that people get it. More and more people get it every day. Even Republicans are now getting it.

It is being got that even though the President and his administration were warned that the intelligence was questionable they used it. Put it out here in the public domain. They did the same thing with the link between Saddam and Al Queda. Which has also been proven false intelligence.

We get that conservatives want to minimize the significance of the Scooter Libby indictment because he was not charged with purposely outing a CIA agent.

What they don't get is that for the average American it is more deviant. It is the idea of why the administration was so interested in discrediting Joe Wilson as opposed to proving their case. It is the Bush White House M.O. blame and discredit. Throwing out the fact that Wilson's wife(an "employee" with the CIA) got him the assignment to investigate administration claims that Saddam was seeking yellow cake uranium.

Should we be asking ourselves why the CIA felt it should investigate this claim. Surely they trust the accuracy of intelligence that comes from the White House.

I guess as long as the Tom Delay's are the in essential out job ops to their wives, sons, daughters there's no problem.

They (the administration) are working to twist the facts on yet another accusation against them. They may have pressured intelligence organizations to manipulate prewar intelligence toward the argument for war. This is not a new charge. The early Bush administration blew off intelligence reports that did not implicate Iraq in some way. Bush was preoccupied with Saddam.
There is also the Downing Street Memo . Supposed British intelligence correspondence on the Bush push for the war. The memo inferences that the Bush administration would ensure that the intelligence on Iraq would support war by any means.

We're just supposed to forget that Bush appointed a panel that investigated the prewar intelligence and reported in April 2005 the the prewar intelligence was DEAD WRONG?

We're supposed to forget how they screw around with the first amendment. Using the media on the one hand through conservative talk radio to plant a seed of distrust and suspicion in the so called left-wing news media and then using conservative news media to ramp out false intelligence "exclusives" through white house operatives like Libby under the protection of anonymity.

American's we have short memories and we're terrible at math.

We're getting it.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Speak Out!

So far I have been mute on the subject of hurricane Katrina.

I have been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed that this affected several hundred miles of the US Gulf coast.

Shocked at the images of starving dehydrated refugee's in AMERICA!?
I have to suggest a song by Trick Daddy... America.

Finally I am extremely disappointed. Disappointed in the number of mean nasty conservative talk show hosts that continue to spew hatred and intolerance. Exercise no compassion or respect for basic human life and broadcast the same old twisted lies.

After watching Hannity and Combs on Fox tonight, I have to break my silence.

Sean you stupid malicious elitist PIG even the best evacuation plan would have done nothing about the FLOODING!!! NOTHING!!!

You sound ridiculous trying to justify or suggest that the horror humans experienced in the wake of a natural disaster is their fault.

Why are O'Reilly and the Hannity Combs show STILL talking about the looting?
...tapping the Bush spin machine on tha shoulder...

Hey fella's. It's NOT WORKING!!

The American people aren't buying the BS this time.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


While watching "Troy". I was trying to remember the story of Achilles. What made him a hero. Then I was tickled by the Disney version of the story of Hercules.

How he was not conceived by an affair of Zeus with a mortal, but that he was the child of Zeus and Hera who was kidnapped by a couple of Hades agents and fed a potion that was supposed to make him mortal. But because he didn't drink the last drop he became a human with extra human strength.

I found this twist humorous, yet it got me to thinking...

You know how philosophical I can get.

As Judeo-Christians we are taught to believe that there is only one God.
We have even gone as far as to label all other beliefs as pagan.

But, could the early polytheists have been on to something? If God created man in his own image. Why are there so many varieties of man? There are two distinct varieties that immediately come to mind. The first is male and female.
The second is race. So many that to this day we are still naming new races of humans.

I find it most interesting that the Kings James version of the Holy Bible in Genesis 1:26 says: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the seas, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Is God speaking in plural here?

Who are these others with whom he is seeking counsel?

This is an old argument. But what are your thoughts on this?
Was this just a pact with God and the "things" of the earth for a man that they could agree would rule over them? Or was God actually conglomerating with other divine beings?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I Owe You BIG!!

While channel surfing I ran across this add. I'm sure you've seen it.
The one where they're trying to convince you to contact them if you have an idea for an invention before some big corporate conglomerate markets it and you miss out on another chance at the jackpot, SUCCESS!!

This got me to thinking.

You know how philosophical I can get.

We not only do this with our ideas for "mechanical" inventions, but also with "life" inventions. Our education, relationships, careers, and yes, even our children.

We all have a responsibility to prepare our kids for greatness. Most of us begin teaching our babies the basics: early belief, faith, and lifestyle steering. On my quest to this achievement I find myself convinced of a few things:

  • Investment in our kids is vital to their future and their success.
  • Observing successful people gives us insight into the likelihood that our children will be successful.
  • Intuition tells us if they are destined for greatness.
Most of us do not act on these feelings.

I am appalled at the number of descent and God fearing adults and parents that treat kids as second class citizens. Holding them to self discipline and control standards that most adults cannot adhere to. We should understand that they too are humans.

We don't take their lives serious enough to acknowledge and understand that children hunger at an early age for approval. They are little adults with desires, dreams, pressures. They want to know that they are contributing. That they are needed. A sense of value and importance. A sense of belonging.

I often reflect on how I got here. Did I plan to be a single 30 something mom? Not sure, but I do know that I always imagined if I had a child he would achieve great things. I have vowed to succeed in the full development of my own man child. To instill in him that hunger and desire for success and accomplishment.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I'm sitting here bright and early on a Saturday morning...after a night of a strong and powerful thunderstorms that included all the drama of roaring black clouds, bright bursts of lightening and short power outages.

Looking out over my green lawn and how refreshed and renewed it looks. Swing open the patio door step out take a big deep breath. Ahhhh just love this feeling. Then I step out into the lawn...and there it is...muddy gushy soggy!!!! Ewwww!!! Immediately I am reminded refreshed and renewed can still have a muddy messy surprise.

So I find myself diving into something new. There I have admitted it to myself...with you as a witness. You try to go into this new thing wide eyed and open minded. Try not to let bad business ventures discourage us from a new venture, try not to let past bad relationships affect our new ones. Yet you can't help but ask yourself, "am I being played for a sucker"?

I wonder... where does the doubt come from?

For me this is tough because I have always had the Vegas ideology about the past. What happened there stays there. But can we really leave behind all that baggage? Can we really just move on?

Even "wise" sayings are conflicted on this very matter. There's a sayin "dwell in your past you'll rob your future." Then there's the "if you don't know where you've been, how can you know where you're going?"

So here I am. I have to find that balance between giving this new opportunity a complete unadulterated beginning and learning from my past that there are patterns and warning signs to which I need to be attuned.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Using Performance Enhancers? Cheater!!!!

With all the talk about the upcoming Jose Canseco testimony before the US Congress, I have decided to repost an earlier article I wrote concerning the subject of using performance enhancers.

Originally posted July 9, 2004

Is using performance enhancers, cheating?

I was watching the qualifying rounds for the US Olympic track team. The subject came up about the number of athletes participating that were under suspicion for the use of performance enhancers.

One of the commentators said something about how it is only six out of 1000 athletes that are in question. He went on to talk about how track and field was gonna have to go through this cleansing process. The other commentator came back with how the cheaters had to go.

I began to ponder if the use of performance enhancers is really cheating.

Apparently the whining ass under performers are leading the fight and have made this the thought in sports today. Some of the pro leagues even the Olympic committee has barred the use of performance enhancers. All under the belief, that using performance enhancers is cheating.

This is the stupidest shit I have heard! Hell, they may as well say the weight training, toning, and dieting that gives some athletes advantage over others is cheating as well!

I remember when they were fucking with that white boy, I think his name was McGuire and Sammy Sousa about using performance enhancers. As if that's the reason they were hitting homers.

Like targeted weight training, the enhancers may help to develop the muscle to give you more power with the swing, but it is not a guarantee that every swing of the bat will be a home run. Hitting homers is a talent. It is the skill of aiming your swing so that it will impact a speeding blur at an angle of projectory such that it will travel + or - 15 degrees of the batter and land several hundred feet away. It requires hand and eye coordination and it requires heart!

For me I believe professional athletes should use performance enhancers. I fully support anything an athelete can do that will keep them from over exerting their bodies. They take a brutal beating for the sport and for our entertainment. I see it as a conscientious health choice. I feel these athletes have made a RESPONSIBLE choice.

They have families, children and spouses. When the sport has used them up and thrown them away their families will be there. Their families will often watch them suffer with life long injuries and pain. If that enhancer means that athlete can perform at the high quality we expect from our athletes, lengthen their career, and when he or she retires they are still in good health, we should not be taking a reactive prohibitive approach. We should as an educated and scientific culture take time to perform studies and find out what the actual affects of performance enhancers are or are not.

Are we also saying that people who use performance enhancers for sex are cheating sex?

If you a limp dick and can't fuck and the only reliable hard on you get is with viagara, look out cause they'll be outlawing your cheating ass next!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Superbowl XXXIX

Today is "Super" Sunday!!!

We are all riled up to see who's gonna make history today.
Todays Superbowl game will broadcast on Fox.

I have nothing at stake and I am anxious for the outcome of today's battle of the titans!

Today the Philly Eagles vs. New England Patriots

I'm a big McNabb fan (stats).

So my pick today is the Eagles.

Who's your pick for Superbowl XXXIX?

Whether or not you follow sports or care much about American tradtions.
The wonderful thing about things like today are the memories that millions around the world will share. Tomorrow the talk will be all about the commercials, the half-time show, and the play none of us could believe or was prepared for.

So gather round to share some unforgettable moments with your family, close friends, or a room full of enraged fans!