Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Life Goes On...thinking about Thanks

I was sitting here horning over my plans for Thanksgiving 2004.

Trying to decide what I am going to cook.

***dressing, greens***

Drifting off into memories of my Thanksgivings back home in North Little Rock, AR.

My mama, my two sisters, and my brother.

Bill Clinton had the grand opening of the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, AR.

During his speech he mentioned things he remembered. He recalled a conversation with one of the moms on his Welfare to Work Program. "I remember the first woman I ever talked to who went from welfare to work. I said, "What's the best thing about it?" She said, "When my boy goes to school and they say, 'What does your mama do for a living,' he can give an answer." Those are the things that make politics real to me, at home and around the world."

My mom was that mother. Miss Joyce is what most people in our housing project called her. Not only did she go to work for us, her kids. She went to work for the rest of the kids in our community. She was over a 4-H chapter in our housing project Eastgate Terrace in North Little Rock, AR. The housing authority provided facilities on site. It was somewhere for the kids to go after school. She worked to organize activities and field trips for the community kids.

***can't decide 'bout tha bird turkey, chicken, hen, duck?***

The other part of the story?

I want to tell you about my mom before.

What was her history?

She was a high school drop out. She was married at the age of 15 and had her first child (that would be me) by the time she was 16 years old.

...My dad hates for us to mention this

(I think he's still in denial...and y'all help me pray for him, he is battling colon cancer)

I admire my mom the most because one day she came to check us out of school early.
....which she NEVER did....

After 15 years of an abusive relationship she had decided enough was enough!

She was brave enough to leave the situation and go at it alone with four kids.

***macorni & cheese, corn on the cob***

My mom got her GED and also took a few courses at a local university and community college.

She didn't pressure us a lot about our schooling.

I was an above average student that often leaned toward excellency (A-B student). I was active in school. You will see my mug on more than a couple pages of my junior and senior class year books. I went off to a top university in my state where I studied Chemical Engineering for a short time.

Took off for several years working as a door to door sales person for one of those traveling sales organizations...(thank you Archie and Wilhemina for developing and inspiring my mental stability, critical thinking, and pure unadulterated skill of survival. May god continue to bless you with abundance!)

I eventually completed my education in Little Rock.

***hot butter rolls, sweet potato pie, pound cake***

This year I am most thankful for my mom. Who will still say to me, "Now Shar, if you need anything, you know you can come to your mama. Right?"

I Love You Miss Joyce!

Over 20 yrs later she still works at UAMS.

***still can't decide 'bout tha bird***

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Four More

Well, I guess we have to brace ourselves for what's ahead. Bush wins the election by 3.5 mil, 51% of the popular vote.

I have talked to so many people that were so disappointed by the outcome of this election. But the majority has spoken and they agree with the Bush doctrine. Not only did Bush win the presidency but the Republicans also maintained their majority in the House and the Senate.

In my state of Texas they defeated all but 1 Democrat running for re-election to the House.

Now the big buzz or question is what did the Bush victory mean? ....Thinking here about the first episode of the Matrix when Neo did not make the "first" jump.

The conservatives side is going on and on about how this means that Americans support the presidents "moral" values. Moral values? The moral values of a white house that is lead by two drunks and a "coke" head? A conservative party who's leadership has families that are loaded with homosexuality, infidelity, and more drunks and druggies.

The only thing we can say for sure about their moral values is that they are homophobes and liberal haters.

I just wanna say for the record I'm sick and tired of hearing from the so-called Christian conservatives about the moral aptitude of the Republicans when they prove over and over again that they don't have a moral fiber in their being.

I'm tired of having my belief in God called into question because I don't think we should make laws or amend the constitution to promote prejudice and hatred of any type.

There are more and more invasions to consumer privacy. We can't be sure if these invasions are related to the Patriot Act. But for sure believe this, if you drive an American built vehicle for example, your every move may be recorded. Under the Bush Administration the NTSB has requested that all American made cars have black boxes.

You would think that with their lagging sales the American auto makers would fight doing anything that would make consumers hesitant about purchasing their products.

As much as I promote buying American, this move is going to make me rethink my next vehicle purchase.