Sunday, July 31, 2005


While watching "Troy". I was trying to remember the story of Achilles. What made him a hero. Then I was tickled by the Disney version of the story of Hercules.

How he was not conceived by an affair of Zeus with a mortal, but that he was the child of Zeus and Hera who was kidnapped by a couple of Hades agents and fed a potion that was supposed to make him mortal. But because he didn't drink the last drop he became a human with extra human strength.

I found this twist humorous, yet it got me to thinking...

You know how philosophical I can get.

As Judeo-Christians we are taught to believe that there is only one God.
We have even gone as far as to label all other beliefs as pagan.

But, could the early polytheists have been on to something? If God created man in his own image. Why are there so many varieties of man? There are two distinct varieties that immediately come to mind. The first is male and female.
The second is race. So many that to this day we are still naming new races of humans.

I find it most interesting that the Kings James version of the Holy Bible in Genesis 1:26 says: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the seas, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Is God speaking in plural here?

Who are these others with whom he is seeking counsel?

This is an old argument. But what are your thoughts on this?
Was this just a pact with God and the "things" of the earth for a man that they could agree would rule over them? Or was God actually conglomerating with other divine beings?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

I Owe You BIG!!

While channel surfing I ran across this add. I'm sure you've seen it.
The one where they're trying to convince you to contact them if you have an idea for an invention before some big corporate conglomerate markets it and you miss out on another chance at the jackpot, SUCCESS!!

This got me to thinking.

You know how philosophical I can get.

We not only do this with our ideas for "mechanical" inventions, but also with "life" inventions. Our education, relationships, careers, and yes, even our children.

We all have a responsibility to prepare our kids for greatness. Most of us begin teaching our babies the basics: early belief, faith, and lifestyle steering. On my quest to this achievement I find myself convinced of a few things:

  • Investment in our kids is vital to their future and their success.
  • Observing successful people gives us insight into the likelihood that our children will be successful.
  • Intuition tells us if they are destined for greatness.
Most of us do not act on these feelings.

I am appalled at the number of descent and God fearing adults and parents that treat kids as second class citizens. Holding them to self discipline and control standards that most adults cannot adhere to. We should understand that they too are humans.

We don't take their lives serious enough to acknowledge and understand that children hunger at an early age for approval. They are little adults with desires, dreams, pressures. They want to know that they are contributing. That they are needed. A sense of value and importance. A sense of belonging.

I often reflect on how I got here. Did I plan to be a single 30 something mom? Not sure, but I do know that I always imagined if I had a child he would achieve great things. I have vowed to succeed in the full development of my own man child. To instill in him that hunger and desire for success and accomplishment.